What is Elder Abuse?
There are many different forms of elder abuse, which can be categorized as abuse, neglect or exploitation. According to the NC Statute 108A-101, abuse is defined as the willful infliction of physical pain, injury or mental anguish, unreasonable confinement, or the willful deprivation by a caretaker of services which are necessary to maintain mental and physical health.
Prominence of Elder Abuse
The frequency of elder abuse is estimated to be between 2% to 10%, however many cases of abuse, neglect, and exploitation are not reported. According to the National Center on Elder Abuse, for every reported case five go unreported.
Contributing Factors
- External caretaker stressors
- Level of impairement (physical, emotional and cognitive) and dependency of the older adult
- Caretaker frustration due to misunderstandings about older adults behaviors
- Untrained caretaker regarding health care needs and caregiving tasks for the older adult
- Caretaker mental health or substance abuse problems
- Inadequate income and poor financial management
- No respite or other form of support for caretaker
- Staffing shortages, long hours, overworked staff
What to Look For
- Bruises, black eyes, lacerations, rope marks, broken bones or fractures, with no or unlikely explanations
- Change in behavior such as unusual http://www.buyambienmed.com agitation or extreme emotional distress including depression or anxiety
- Fear or certain people
- Caretaker refusal to let others see the older adult alone
- Extremely withdrawn
- An older adult’s report of being abused
- Withdrawal from activities of interest
- Dehydration, malnourishment
- Poor hygiene
- Unsanitary or unsafe living conditions
- Lack of access to aids such as hearing aides, dentures, glasses
- Lack of medical attention, including lack of necessary medications or refusal to make necessary doctors appointments
- Dirty, ill-fitting clothing
- Sudden loss of large amounts of money
- Sudden, unexplained changes in POA and/or will
- Missing valuables or possessions
- Unauthorized use of an ATM or credit card by others
- Bills not being paid despite having money to pay the bills
- Discovery of older adult’s forged signature
What To Do
If you or someone you know suspects elder abuse, call the Cumberland County Department of Social Services at (910) 677- 2389.
Presentation/information collected and presented by Lisa Hughes.
National Center on Elder Abuse (2005). Elder Abuse Prevalence and Incidence. Retrieved on October 15, 2014 from http://www.ncea.aoa.gov/resources/publication/docs/financialstatistics050331.pdf
National Center on Elder Abuse (n.d.) State Resources. Retrieved on October 15, 2014 from http://www.ncea.aoa.gove/Stop_Abuse/Get_Help/State/index.aspx
North Carolina Division of Aging and Adult Services. (2014). Abuse-Don’t Become a Victim. Raleigh, NC: Lanier, K.

Cumberland County Council on Older Adults was established in 1968 as a non-profit organization and fifty-five years later we remain committed to our original mission of helping older adults living in Cumberland County maintain their independence at home with dignity.